Very Happy Wesoly Smile Smutny Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing Mad Wsciekly
Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink Mruga Uwaga
? Idea Arrow Neutral Mr. Green shit cya dosłownie
taa jasne Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_01 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_02 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_03 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_04 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_05 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_06 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_07
Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_08 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_09 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_10 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_11 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_12 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_13 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_14 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_15
Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_16 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_17 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_18 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_19 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_20 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_21 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_22 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_23
Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_24 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_25 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_26 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_27 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_28 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_29 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_30 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_31
Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_32 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_33 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_34 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_35 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_36 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_37 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_38 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_39
Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_40 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_41 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_42 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_43 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_44 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_45 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_46 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_47
Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_48 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_49 Blue_Light_Colorz_PDT_50 swietaa nie What u think Nasty Rolling eyes
Gives thy a finger Hangs itself 2 man down A Bear Little thongue man Rock ya Snakeman Vomit
Yar good fball Partyman prayer Super Heart Toilet monster Weedman
Ya winkles Zly Kwasny Kwadratowy Zalamany Niepewny Hyhy Wstyd
Rotfl Zdziwiony Zdegustowany Zawstydzony Padam O rany... przewala oczami
Przestraszony Luka sobie Spi Chytry Cwaniak Ok! Cisza Cenzura
Wsciekly W mur Hurra Piwo Zabawa Krzeslem go! Help Kijem go!
Ban? Zabanowany ... Offtopic Ups Gwizdze.. Applause
d'oh! Drool Liar Shame on you Pray Anxious Not talking Think
Brick wall Whistle Angel Speak to the hand Sick Boo hoo! Shhh Eh?
Dancing Silenced

Zamknij Okno

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